Fucoidan Ginseng Drink 褐藻養氣人蔘飲
Ginseng is widely used in Chinese medicine, the scientific benefits of ginseng are to help support metabolic function and the immune system, for a convenient, easy to drink, daily shot of wellness. Improve the Qi and Immunity. Combat fatigue and enhance energy level. Help Improve concentration. Enhance memory function.
長期飲用更放心一路走來,我們經常收到許多產後媽咪的詢問希望月子後,也能長期調理身體而這正是我們想帶給大家的除了產後媽咪以外其他人,也能擁有同樣 高規格飲食的權力及更靈活的訂購方案顧及在意健康的你,我們願意更往前邁進紫金堂首先比照坐月子的高規格悉心調製唯一添加褐藻醣膠的人蔘飲,給您完美行 動力,市售唯一人蔘占比最高65% 既然要喝就要喝最純的!!採高規的西洋蔘,草本基底香醇好順口,讓您人蔘高人一等。
Instruction for use: Take 1 bottle after meals per day. Suitable for anyone
50ml/per bottle, 5 bottles/ per box
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